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Photo of Miguel Angel Tenorio Aguero Chile

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Miguel Angel Tenorio Aguero, was born on November 20, 1965 in the town of Puerto Varas, Chile. Since very little I liked to draw and paint, an issue that was cultivated during her studies in elementary and secondary education. It is now a prestigious clinic paramedic and a major international company. I never stopped painting, and absolutely autididacta, has formed his style in the art of pastel painting the...

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Miguel Angel Tenorio Aguero, was born on November 20, 1965 in the town of Puerto Varas, Chile. Since very little I liked to draw and paint, an issue that was cultivated during her studies in elementary and secondary education. It is now a prestigious clinic paramedic and a major international company. I never stopped painting, and absolutely autididacta, has formed his style in the art of pastel painting the architecture typical of this area, customs and scenery of a place that is famous for its natural attractions.

Currently painted in his spare time and sells her works at local level through several exhibitions he has done, making this his life's passion.

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